Religious Studies Course Descriptions

RHR 101         Introduction to the Study of Religion    2 Credits
This serves as a general introduction of the phenomenal study of man’s religious experiences, with special emphasis on common features found in religious beliefs and practices of major religions. This background study treats the purpose of human relations. Its brief history and how mutual respect and communication skills are built up. Furthermore, it tries to relate the fundamental question or religion with the challenges of human relations.
RHR 111 The People of the OT: Origins to Exodus    2 Credits
A brief geographical study of the Biblical World is made. There will be an examination of the themes and personalities of the Hebrews in the context of their Near-eastern environment, from their origins to the exodus from Egypt.
RHR 121 The Background of the New Testament                     2 Credits
This course covers the cultural, literary and ideological worlds of Palestinian Judaism into which Jesus Christ was born. Emphasis is given to the trends in Judaism and social, political, literary and religious influences of the times.
RHR 131         The Birth of Christian Civilization            2 Credits
This course focuses on the beginning of Christianity, the historical existence of Jesus, the historicity of founding of the Church, the Church as Mystery of faith, the Apostles after the Ascension, the image of the Church in the Early Christian times, the early community at Jerusalem, the community at Jerusalem, the community at Antioch, the origins of the Roman community. The course also examines the History of the early Church and its struggle to survive amidst opposing potentates and divergent beliefs within its fold.
RHR 141         Introduction to Islam                        2 Credits
This introductory course will examine the social, historical and political circumstances of Muhammad and the emergence of Islam. The succession issues will be treated with special stress on the Reshaidum Caliphate and essentials of Islam. The successive caliphate is traced from the Prophet to Ali. Life history of each caliph is treated. Attention is given to the controversy of succession that arises after the fourth caliphate.
RHR 151         Introduction to African Traditional Religion                     2 Credits
In this course, the student is introduced to the main features of the African Traditional religious life and beliefs. Survey of main features across East, West and Central Africa is taken up; and how they relate the life of the people for self identity and realization of set objectives in life.
RHR 161         Introduction to Ethics                       2 Credits
Here the concept of ethics is introduced. Then the relation of ethics to social, political, economic determinants of the society is treated. Some of the central themes of ethics are adopted as pertaining to life and relationship of the people.
RHR 171         Introduction to Human Relations           2 Credits
Here the concept of Human Relations is introduced. Then the student is briefly taught how high inflation, low productivity, high unemployment and underdevelopment, low wages and salaries, poor working environment and other economic and religious trends affect organizations and individuals relations. Main features such as human relations and leadership, the use of power and authority, golden rule, characteristics of human beings, the portrait of a human relations officer, maintaining good human relations in an organization Christianity and business are also taught.
RHR 112         Introduction to the Pentateuch       2 Credits
The origins and formation of the traditions of the Pentateuch are treated as well as the characteristics of the traditions Doctrinal imperatives of the Pentateuch are dealt with, in addition to its message.
RHR 122         Introduction to Biblical Greek         2 Credits
This is a beginner’s course in New Testament Greek. It covers the basic grammar of the Language – the alphabets, word formation and declensions. Examples are drawn from biblical materials.
RHR 132         Christian Values                    2 Credits
Distinguish between Attitudes and Values. The relationship of values may be noted; the differences must be highlighted. The formation of values in early childhood. The changes in values brought about by circumstances and civilizations are equally important. Terminal values and instrumental values; and relationship with values and workplaces, values conflicts and value and economy. The importance of values for both individual and organizational needs. The importance of values for both individual and organizational needs. The place of religion in building a character ethic for integrity.
RHR 142         Islam in West Africa              2 Credits
This course covers the advent of Islam in West Africa. Its propagation and development into Islamic Empires are looked into.
RHR 152         Ancestorship in African Traditional Religion                    2 Credits
This course discusses in detail the importance of ancestors and how this status is attained. An assessment of their place and role among ethnic groups in Africa is given. The effect of this study on modern Africa and on interpersonal or group relationships is attempted.
RHR 162         Sociology of Religion                        2 Credits
Students are offered in this course ideas and concepts which delineates a frame of reference and thinking concerning the belief and movement of man in the society. It also offers a presentation of sociological approach to an interpretation of religious phenomena; thereby offering them one important avenue for understanding the human factor in religion.
RHR 172         Psychology of Religion                     2 Credits
This course discusses in detail Psychological factors in religious experience, behaviour and practice both as determinants and consequences. Sensory processes and perception. The constitution of personality and the differences in personality. A treatment of psychological bases of  behaviour. Types of behaviour abnormality in industry, education and society. The place of religion in integrating personality and behaviour.
RHR 201         History of Religions              2 Credits
In this course, attempt is made to examine the pre-historic origins of religion and the question of definition. Also the historical, psychological and sociological theories of development of religion with emphasis on the characteristic features common to them. Special study of the history and content of the main living religions of Asia is made.
RHR 211         Elements of Hebrew Grammar        2 Credits
This is an introductory course to Biblical Hebrew and elements of Hebrew Grammar. Hebrew alphabets with their numerical values are treated, as well as vocabulary and sentence–construction. Intensive exercises in various conjugation are given.
RHR 221         The Traditions of Jesus                    2 Credits
The course is designed to acquaint students with the motives and methods of Gospel Criticism; and also to emphasize the main teachings and miracles of Jesus as recorded in the Synoptic Gospels. Deliberate attempts are made to relate these teachings and life – mission of Jesus Christ to the socio-economic, political and religious problems of modern African society.
RHR 231         Early Christian History and Doctrine to 451AD I 2 Credits
The course traces the history of the primitive church to the fall of the western Roman Empire in 451 AD. Special reference is made to the theological controversies of the period, the relations of church and state, and the internal organization of the church.
RHR 241         Introducing Quran                2 Credits
The course deals with the origin of Quran. Its nature, purpose, and the main contents of the Quran are given. Quran and emerging nation are also examined.
RHR 251         African Traditional Beliefs and Philosophy                      2 Credits
This is an in-depth analysis of elements of African culture, ethics, life, death and hereafter. The role of tradition African religion in helping to build up the nation is treated. Principal belief-systems are examined and how these produce paradigms for experience are also examined.
RHR 261         Comparative Ethics               2 Credits
This course offers studies in various ethical systems in various systems that that have impacted on Nigerians- Biblical, Islamic, and African Traditional ethics. Modern ethical issues in both Judaism, Islam and Christianity are studied.  Issues such as values, conscience, situations dialogue and norms are dealt with as positive law, democratic ideals and freedom.
RHR  202        A Philosophy of Existence of God           2 Credits
This course explores the areas of the knowledge of God and various dimensions of this knowledge.  Various arguments for the proof of God’s existence are examined.  The problem of evil is also examined.
RHR 271         Religion and Communication Skills        2 Credits
Organizations and groups interact through communications. There are communications and miscommunications. Need for effective communication at work, in groups and in personal relationships. The art of listening and how it can fail. The timing of messages; verbal and non-verbal communications. Interpersonal communication. Handling rumours and gossips. Religion and communication styles – the worthy in communication.
RHR 212         People of the OT: Settlement to Exile                 2 Credits
The History of the Israelites is treated, from the period of Joshua, settlement, the monarchy to the fall of Judah.
RHR 213         Hebrew Grammar – Syntax             2 Credits
Based on RHR 211 this course continues elements of Hebrew grammar and examines the syntax of classical Hebrew writings. Selected passages from the Biblia Hebraica are studied.
RHR 222         Biblical Greek I                      2 Credits
This is a continuation of RHR 122: More Greek exercises on translation are drawn from the New Testament Greek. Students are introduced to the syntax of New Testament Greek: Clauses, reported speech, commands, subjunctive and optative moods, perfects and imperfects. Translations from English to Greek and vice versa are attempted.
RHR 223         The Synoptic Gospels                       2 Credits
This course emphasizes the main teachings and life of Jesus as the Synoptic writings show. Why they were written and the methods used are examined. Deliberate attempts are made to relate the results of these studies on the life mission of Jesus Christ to the Socio-economic, political, religious problems of modern African society.
RHR 224         Biblical Greek II                     2 Credits
This is a continuation of RHR 222. Periphrastic constructions are employed to help students do more translations from Greek to English and vice versa are attempted. An introduction to Textual criticism that is the study of selected Greek texts in Marks Gospel is attempted.
RHR 232         Christian History and Doctrine II    2 Credits
The History of Medieval Church with special reference to the reform movements, Reformation and Christian mission. Emphasis will be on the doctrines of Scripture and tradition, faith and work and grace and merit.
RHR 252         Major Shrines and Deities in ATR           2 Credits
This course examines and compares the spiritual and ethical relevance of certain. Outstanding minor deities/shrines, and the elements of spirituality in Igbo traditional religion such as the  Long Juju of Arochukwu, Okija shrines, Igwe-ka-ala of Uturu, Odo shrines, Idemili  (water goddess) , Eke (snake god) , Ala (god of the land), Ndi-ichie (ancestors), temples, among other deities/shrines.  To an extent, cult-objects associated with Igbo religious practices and the religious functionaries in the Igbo society such as priests, diviners and medicine men who take care of the issues raised above should be studied.
RHR 262         Religious Ethics                     2 Credits
This course is designed to offer special studies in the origin, definition and classification of ethical systems, morality and religion, Biblical Ethics, Islamic and African Traditional Religious Ethic. Issues like values, conscience, situations. Dialogue and norms are dealt with the state and positive law, the democratic ideals.
RHR 301         Comparative Religion           2 Credits
Conscious attempt is made to compare the main elements, concept thrust of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Buddhism, African Traditional Religion, Taoism, Confucianism and new religious phenomena. Conflicting and agreeable claims in areas of freedom, choice, salvation.
RHR 311         People of the OT: Return from Exile to Pre-NT Times     2 Credits
The history of Israel from exile, return and reconstruction of the life and institutions of the ancient people is treated.  Non-Hebrew influences are closely examined as well as the nature of social and religious interaction.
RHR 321         Earliest Christianity: Paul and His Theology         2 Credits
The course introduces students to major themes in the life, work and theology of Paul.   Paul’s theological thoughts on law, righteousness, freedom, Christian ethics, eschatology and Christology are examined.
RHR 331         The Medieval Church           2 Credits
This course treats the medieval church with special reference to the problems of decay and reforms, the missionary movements in this period as well as the doctrine of the scriptures and traditions, faith and work, grace and merit which began to thrive in this period.
RHR 332         History of Christianity in West Africa         2 Credits
The aim of the course is to understand what church history is and how we can apply this to the history of the church in West Africa. A look at the missions and the responses of the Africans to patterns of missionary work and religious change in West Africa is attempted.
RHR 341         Islamic Ethics             2 Credits
The aim of the course is to examine the relation between the ethical elements in the Q’uran and moral values general.  The issues of sexuality in Islam, place of women, domestic, social and political imperatives in Islam as well as Islamic justice and Sufism are treated.
RHR 351         Healing in African Traditional Religion        2 Credits
The course x-rays the functions of medicine men in African society, the use of herbs, rainmaking etc. The term medicine which involves both natural healing agencies such as leaves, roots, and their likes and also the invocation of magical or spiritual influences that are thought to be associated with them. Knowledge of herbal resources ad development of practitioners in Nigeria.
RHR 361         Religion and Social Change              2 Credits
Inevitability of change in life. Types of changes – emotional and personal changes; necessary and planed changes. Changes and upheavals in society and organization – loss, separation, relocation, relational change, directional, change in health and personal growth. Stages of personal change and the challenges they threw up. Dealing with changes socially, organizationally, structurally; religious factor in dealing with changes and how it enhances human relations.
RHR 371         Religious Crisis and Conflict Management in Nigeria       2 Credits
Other possible resolutions of conflicts – win-lose; lose-lose; and win-win. Propriety of timing of options. Styles of conflict and risk management – the competitor; the avoider; the compromiser; the accommodator; and the collaborator. Methods of conflict management must include the place of religion in conflict resolution. Religion helps to build a good working relationship – the element of self-worth, hope, prudence, and prayer.
RHR 312         Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II     2 Credits
Translation exercises of passages from the Biblicia Hebraica to be attempted.
RHR 313         Prophets and Prophecy in the OT   2 Credits
The concept of prophecy as developed biblically is treated. The development of prophecy is also studied. Thereafter, prophets in the following categories are studied: Earlier prophets, Later prophets, Minor prophets, and  Major prophets.
RHR 322         Johannine Writings               2 Credits
This course aims at examining the main issues of the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John.  Selected passages are treated in English.  Those proficient in Greek will study the course in Greek.
RHR 323         Literature of N.T – Epistles in English   2 Credits
An examination of the nature of the Epistle is made. The place of the Epistles in the understanding of the problems of the Church is examined. The main topic taken up in the epistles are outlined and the progression in thought noted. An epistle may be studied in detail.
RHR 332         The Reformation                   2 Credits
The course deals with the events which led to the reformation as well as the post-reformation era of the Church. Key doctrinal and ecclesiastical issues of the time are examined. Place of Luther, Calvin and Politics in Reformation are studied.
RHR 333         Soteoriology              2 Credits
This is a detailed study of the concept of salvation in the Bible and Christian life .A study of concepts of salvation in the African Traditional Religion and Islam is also carried on. How salvation touches the general life of common people is examined.
RHR 362         Christian Ethics                     2 Credits
This course offers the students a study of the biblical and theological bases of the Christian life. Attention is given to terminology, major views and problems in ethical enquiry with particular reference to the African context. In this course, the investigation of the six – fold system of analysis in introducing Christian Ethics such a: (1) the background, (2) key issues, (3) ethical arguments, (4) bases of Christian ethics, (5) social determinants and (6) social significance are treated.  Studies should also focus on human ethics and Christian ethics, the eschatological ethic of Jesus, sex, marriage and the family, Christian and politics, the development and preservation of our environment, health and healing, euthanasia, the role of the church in the city and rural areas, in world politics and nation building, tribalism and the church coupled with property in biblical perspective.
RHR 363         Religion and Human Values 2 Credits
The meaning of value is studied as well as what creates values. The role of religion in determining human values is explored. The meaning of life and its goals will be analyzed using examples from Islam, Christianity and African Traditional Religion. Also to be studied is the place of the community in determining values. Disruptive tendencies which change value-systems are examined. In what ways can religion help enhance good and conquer evil, corruption, and nepotism?
RHR 372: Religion, Creativity and Human Relations           2 Credits
Meaning of creativity is explored. Life is dynamic and this has implications. Creativity and understanding oneself. Religion enabling us understand ourselves. The factors of illumination, intuition and inspiration are examined as correlatives to perception. A look at creative methods is important.
RHR 382         Research Method                  2 Credits
Studies on special methods of obtaining religious information and the nature of analysis are carried out and explored. A definite method of documentation and storage, and use of materials should be adopted. Problems of variables in research are examined.
RHR 401         Religion and Science                        2 Credits
This course examines the history of religion and science which has always disagreed on vital issues. What are these disagreed vital issues, who are the pioneering scholars in the conflict between religion and science? What are their efforts? The course will examine the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin and its significance. IT examines the meaning of science, i.e. the synthesis of religion and science, the contributions and challenges posed by religion to science and vice versa.
RHR 411         Old Testament Theology                  2 Credits
The place of Old Testament thoughts and practices as background to Christianity and Islam is expatiated on.  The motive of action and belief is to be explored.  Attempts should be made to relate the findings to the present day Jewish thought and practices.  Their relevance to Nigerian religious scene should be noted.
RHR 421         New Testament Theology                2 Credits
The course introduces the student briefly to the various topics in New Testament theology.  Attention should be given to issues like Inspiration, Use and Abuse of the Bible, Christology, Parables of Jesus, Priesthood in the New Testament, Women in NT etc.
RHR 422         Literature of N.T. – Acts of the Apostles in English           2 Credits
The course is designed to acquaint students with main teachings and issues in the Acts of the Apostles.  The principles of hermeneutics and methods are taught.
RHR 431         Nigerian Church History                  2 Credits
The study of the responses of Nigerians to the Christian presence in Nigeria.  The course takes pain to cover both the south and northern parts of  Nigeria.  The emergence of indigenous church organizations is recognized.  The adaptation of Christian message by church organizations with foreign origin.
RHR 461         Contemporary Ethical Issues           2 Credits
The aim of the courses is to enable students familiarize themselves with the current moral and ethical issues confronting the society and to help them form an enlightened and just opinion on them.  Such issues as euthanasia, capital punishment, morality in business and political, morality and sexuality, marriage and divorce, labour and industrial problems, urbanization, genetic manipulations and fundamental option.
RHR 471    History And Development of Human Rights         2 Credits
The course traces the history of fundamental Human Rights of man in the Greek world, the rights of man in the Roman world, human rights and the emergence of Christianity, Christian and Muslim consultation on individual  and community human rights, coupled with fundamental human rights in international perspectives.
RHR 481        Departmental Seminar                     2 Credits
The subject of the research project should be approved by the Department Board by the end of the penultimate year of study.  It should cover such areas as theology, ethics, local, national and international church history, biblical studies, church and state relation, religion and society, acculturation, contemporary issues of religion and ethics, symbolism and symbols.
RHR 402           Contemporary Religious Issues    2 Credits
The course aims at preparing and acquainting the students with practical everyday life situation facing them.  Such issues as secularizations, urbanization, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue.  Ethical, political and social challenges gleaned from African fictions are treated.
RHR 412          Apocalyptic Writings                       2 Credits
The nature and purpose of the apocalyptic literature is examined.  What are the methods of interpretations and how relevant are the apocalyptic writings today?
RHR 413         Literature of O.T – the Writings in English    2Credits 
The origins and development of the literature known as the Writings. The literary motif and interpreting what is the place of the Writings in Hebrew Literature.
RHR 422         Pastoral Epistles                                2 Credits
The course enables students acquaint themselves with the nature and motif of the Pastoral Epistles. How do they enable us understand the problems and challenges of the Church?
RHR 432         The Church in Modern Society        2 Credits
The relevance of the church for the modern man is studied. The role of the Church as – an institution . The situation of Man in the World Today. The Church and Man’s Vocation, i.e. The Dignity of Man, The Community of Mankind, Human Activity in the World, The Role of Church in Modern World. The Course also touches the more urgent problems like Marriage and Family, Development of Culture, Economic and Social Life, The Political or Civil Community, Peace in the World etc.
RHR 452         Modern African Religions                2 Credits
The course aims at enabling students examine the new trends in theological thoughts in Africa. The focus will be on Black or African Theology, Liberation Theology, Emergent African Theology, Moratorium and Self Discovery.
RHR 492         Project                                                2 Credits
The subject of the research project should be approved by the Departmental Board by the end of the penultimate year of study.  It should cover such areas as theology, ethics, local, national and international church history, biblical studies, church and state relations, religion and society, acculturation, contemporary issues of religion and ethics, symbolism and symbols.