
Various departents in the faculty have acquired facilities to help produce/graduate studnets who can compete with others all over the country/globe. Below are some of these facilities:


Department of Eglish Language and Literature

Department Library
The Department of English Language and Literature has successfully acquired a departmental library that complements the University main library and the faculty library by providing useful support to facilitate relevant research at undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral levels. The library which can accommodate about twenty (20) persons, stocks books, journals and periodicals on different aspects of English language studies and world literatures. The library is open on every working day, from 8.00am to 4.00pm, to staff, students and other interested researchers.
  •   Language Laboratory
The usefulness of language laboratory in a second language situation, such as the status of English in Nigeria, cannot be overemphasized. The Department of English Language and Literature is lucky to have acquired a functional, well-equipped language laboratory. The laboratory services all the language Departments in the Faculty.
For use in our language laboratory, we have acquired:
     i. The Oxford Talking Dictionary
When we slot and project this dictionary on a screen, using our newly acquired multimedia projector, our students see the accurate transcription of some new and difficult words of the English language. They also listen and practice the pronunciation as the talking dictionary dictates it. They could, on their own, submit the unfamiliar words for further pronunciation practices. The exercise is highly fascinating. To a large extent, the pronunciation competence of our students is positively affected.
      ii. The Encyclopaedia Encarta
This is another important acquisition we have made for use in our laboratory. With this Encarta projected, our students see and listen to the voices of some prominent stars such as William Shakespeare, Martin Luther King (Jr) etc. Seeing these stars and hearing directly from them inspire and motivate our students.
      iii. Electronic Books
We have also obtained some electronic books, dictionary CDs, oral English films, and ideally many classical films which our students can watch at their leisure for recreation purposes but which are strictly geared towards improving their communicative competence in their use of English.